Supporting Our Teens - Some Useful Resources
Posted on June 26 2021

We have been to lucky to have psychotherapist Penny, Kate from the Young Minds charity and secondary school teacher Kat give a talk about parenting teenagers to our customers in store.
If you attended the talk we hope you found it useful and informative, and Penny and Kate have given us a list of books, Youtube videos and websites that you can go to for help:
Steve Biddulph, 10 Things Girls Need Most
Steve Biddulph, Raising Boys
Steve Biddulph, Raising Girls
Dan Siegel, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Adolescent Brain
Lorraine Candy, ‘Mum, What’s Wrong With You?’ 101 Things Only Mothers Of Teenage Girls Know
Diane Poole Heller, The Power Of Attachment
Rosalind Wiseman, Queen Bees And Wannabees
Carol Dweck, The Growth Mindset
In addition to this, Penny has kindly bullet pointed they key takeaways from her talk:
- Make space and time to listen and connect, with your ears and your heart!
- Learn to respond and not react
- Notice when you or they have been triggered. Make space and time for rebalance
- Our kids need to borrow our thinking brains (prefrontal cortex)
- Our kids need help learning to know and tolerate their feelings
- Influence and steer, not control and demand
- Keep working on your relationship with them even if it looks like they don’t want you…they do, they just won’t tell you!
- Respond to the person they can become not the stroppy teenager in front of you!
- You don’t need to have all the answers just a willingness to learn.
- Using “I” rather than “you” This respects the difference between you.
- Name what you see and hear to show emotional resonance.
At SheenUncovered we are proud to be women who support other women, and we know how much our customers value the talks we organise. The number of tickets to this events was more limited than usual due to current social distancing restrictions, and we appreciate you may not have been able to come along this time. We hope to have more talks in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for event updates either on our Instagram or by signing up below to our weekly newsletter.